A 7-minute video to combat fake climate bashing

Here’s a note from Dr. Raj Thamotheram:
John Kerry recently called on scientists to lead the new debates about the fake news on the climate crisis and he has – rightly IMO – provoked some dropped jaws amongst leading climate scientists. Katharine Hayhoe responded to say scientists have been leading for decades & the facts aren’t enough. Her video is a great resource.
Aside from putting their faith in “facts” (remember Al Gore?) Kerry & all the others in Biden’s climate team need to jawbone the very important US financial sector about the decarbonisation challenge. That means explaining why just investing in green energy or even managing carbon portfolio numbers isn’t enough. Clearly, they must know this given their expertise but they also have a clear bias towards market carrots.
And they also need to challenge the influential media disseminators of fake climate news as Michael Mann has made clear in his excellent new book “The New Climate War”. Mann explains that explicit denialism has largely disappeared. It has now been replaced by distraction, deflection, deception, delay and doomism. Alex Steffen’s phrase is spot on: predatory delay. Who could do something as good as Hayhoe’s video to get this wider agenda across to the ESG industry & those who define what’s important?