The debate over carbon offsets gets heated

Here’s a note from Mark Trexler: When 80 NGOs, including very credible and thoughtful groups, recently called for an end to the use of carbon offsets in corporate climate strategies, friends and colleagues fired back. I’m putting together an analysis of the NGO letter and of pushback to the letter which I’ll be able to…

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The ESG party is just starting

Here’s a note from Nawar Alsaadi: Yesterday, the FT put a short documentary called “Who Killed the ESG Party?” The documentary includes interviews with many of the usual suspects, who’s arguments I have disputed and debunked many times in the past. But, one has to wonder, did anyone within the anti-ESG bubble bothered to check…

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80% of companies say sustainability can drive revenue

Here’s a teaser from this article by “ESG Today”: The vast majority of companies view sustainability as a value creation opportunity, with more than three quarters anticipating potential benefits ranging from higher revenues and profitability to lower cost of capital, although many also expect increased sustainability-related costs and a need for significant investment, according to…

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AI use cases for sustainability

Here’s a note from Nawar Alsaadi: This radar infographic from Gartner is good conceptual framework for the different corporate applications of AI in a sustainability context. First, Gartner divides AI applications in two broad categories: – Everyday AI is focused on helping organizations drive environmental sustainability more efficiently. Technology for this type of AI can…

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13 take-aways for the EU’s Due Diligence Directive

Here’s a note from Michael Littenberg: It’s official. The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has been signed and published and the countdown to compliance now begins. This landmark legislation will require larger companies organized or doing business in the EU to assess and address actual and potential adverse human rights and environmental impacts in…

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Why don’t “climate concern” intentions translate into behavior change?

Here’s a note from Andreas Rasche: New research looking into why people support climate action but then do not act. Main finding: While people in principle support a low-carbon lifestyle, entrenched public discussions of climate delay are limiting peoples’ beliefs that a low-carbon future is possible. The study identifies four ‘entrenched’ public narratives of climate…

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The latest climate litigation trends

Here’s a note from Andreas Rasche: In 2023, over 230 new climate cases against corporations or governments were filed in courts, according to new research by LSE’s Grantham Institute. Biggest sub-category: 47 cases alone relate to ‘climate washing’ (70% of these cases being ruled in favour of the claimants). Talk is not cheap anymore… The…

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5 take-aways from ESMA’s “CSRD Implementation” statement

Here’s a note from Heike Schmitz: For all companies caught by the first wave of EU sustainability reporting under CSRD, the European securities regulator ESMA has recently voiced its “expectations” in a Public Statement issued on July 5th. Nothing entirely surprising, but a few items that are likely to add to the complexity of CSRD…

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California proposes 2-year delay for its climate disclosure rules

Here’s a blog by John Jenkins: According to this Arnold & Porter memo, the Newsom administration recently released proposed amendments to California’s climate disclosure legislation that would, among other things, delay implementation of the state’s climate disclosure regime for two years. This excerpt indicates that the problem is that finalizing implementing regulations by the original…

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