Top 10 ESG Resources I’m Consuming This Month
August 6, 2021 •

Here’s a list of the top 10 resources applicable to your practice that I have consumed this month:
- “Board members across U.S. discuss ESG risk and return” – Willis Towers Watson (directors answer three questions: how concerned about climate? is climate risk-related or are there other drivers? How and where is risk addressed by the board?)
- “The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions” – International Energy Agency (mineral shortages have immense “Catch-22” ESG implications)
- “10 Lessons From 10 Years of Helping Investors to Tackle Climate Change” – ISS (Max Horster on what Net Zero means, what its flaws are and what it all means for investors)
- “Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture” – Ethical Systems (contains list of ideas to apply and also a list of studies to consider)
- “ESG: The New Differentiator” – S&P Global webcast (archived panel with S&P’s Susan Gray, Professor Bob Eccles, Goldman Sachs’ Kara Mangone and Vinson & Elkins’ Maggie Peloso)
- “Credit Risk and Ratings Initiative” – Principles for Responsible Investment (resources to enhance integration of ESG factors into credit risk analysis)
- Climate Solutions 101 – Project Drawdown (an introductory, free course with six related videos that are fairly high level, but not too long)
- “The Investor’s Guide to Impact” – Florian Heeb and Julian Kolbel (identify six different mechanisms of investor impact, assigning a level of evidence that indicates how certain we can be that it actually works)
- “Valuing Value: A Synthesis of Global Sustainability Frameworks” – A synthesis of the 15 of the most well-known sustainability frameworks, coming up with 357 micro-indicators, from Professors Suga, Phattanaprayoonvong, Phethran and Yamazki.
- “Carbonwashing: A New Type of Carbon Data-related ESG Greenwashing” – Soh Young In and Kim Schumacher (explain the process of collecting & reporting on carbon emissions and identify areas that enable carbonwashing to occur)