The battle between indigenous communities & climate needs

Here is a note from the Church of England Pension’s Adam Matthews:
Excellent Reuters article by Ernest Scheyder describing what John Howchin and I have been highlighting is a scenario that is going to play out multiple times during this transition decade – pitting national climate transition needs for certain minerals against indigenous/local communities and local environmental considerations that will live with the legacy of both production & tailings/waste.
This could be a transition decade wrought with conflict unless we ensure genuine community engagement & consent as well as a commitment from mining companies to be using the most advanced technologies to minimise impact. That said demand for mines to be built/expanded will grow and national need will come into conflict with local and traditional rights.
It is therefore essential that when investors discuss the just transition that we don’t just consider workers and the communities of existing operations. There is a need for the just transition to be broader and consider all those communities that will be impacted by the urgent need for transition minerals.