NYSE proposes “Natural Asset Company” listing standards

Here’s the intro from this blog by Cooley’s Cydney Posner:
The NYSE has proposed to adopt new listing standards for the common equity securities of a “Natural Asset Company,” a new type of public company defined by the NYSE as “a corporation whose primary purpose is to actively manage, maintain, restore (as applicable), and grow the value of natural assets and their production of ecosystem services.” And, “where doing so is consistent with the company’s primary purpose,” a NAC would also be required to “seek to conduct sustainable revenue-generating operations,” and “may also engage in other activities that support community well-being, provided such activities are sustainable.”
In addition, NACs would be prohibited from engaging in unsustainable activities, that is, activities that “cause any material adverse impact on the condition of the natural assets under its control, and that extract resources without replenishing them.” Although existing regulatory and listing requirements would continue to apply to NACs, in many ways, the proposal contemplates something approaching a new NAC governance and reporting ecosystem, if you will, that would involve specific provisions in corporate charters, new mandatory policies (environmental and social, biodiversity, human rights, equitable benefit sharing), new prescribed responsibilities for audit committees and a new reporting framework, including mandatory “Ecological Performance Reports.” Why did the NYSE introduce this proposal? Notwithstanding all of the developments in ESG disclosure and investing (such as ESG funds), the NYSE contends that “investors still express an unmet need for efficient, pure-play exposure to nature and climate.”
According to the Intrinsic Exchange Group, which pioneered the NAC concept and advises public sector and private landowners on the creation of NACs, “[b]y taking a NAC public through an IPO, the market transaction will succeed in converting the long-understood—but to-date unpriced—value of nature into financial capital. This monetization event will generate the funding needed to manage, restore, and grow healthy ecosystems around the world and bring us closer to achieving a truly sustainable, circular economy.”
Will this proposal be a game changer to rescue our environment or merely a chimera? Time will tell. The proposal is open for comment for 21 days following publication in the Federal Register.