Reporting & Disclosure

The very real challenges of being satisfied working in ESG

Here's a note from Harald Walkate: So you finally landed ...

The latest on ESG shareholder engagement

Here's an excerpt from this note by Rob Bauer about ...

How your company’s ESG rating may diverge from one rater to another

- The rating score that a company receives from different ...

California’s proposed “Climate Corporate Accountability Act” stalls

Here’s a a blog by Cydney Posner about the California ...

The ISSB’s “Conceptual Framework” is the North Star

Here's a blog from Jean Rogers - reflecting solely her ...

Companies need “ESG controllership”

Here's a great panel summary from the CPA Journal, featuring ...

Analyzing the 14k comment letters on the SEC’s climate disclosure proposal

In this memo, Ropes & Gray analyzes the 14,000 comment ...

2/3 of those responsible for ESG reporting say their company isn’t prepared

As noted in this report, Workiva recently conducted a survey ...

11 “words of wisdom” for those working in ESG

Here's some great stuff from Nawar Alsaadi: Here are some ...

Adverse comment on the IASB’s draft sustainability standards

Here's a note from Ralph Thurm about this comment letter ...